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anuraagamulE - Lyrics


raagam: saraswati

64 vaacaspati janya Aa: S R2 M2 P D2 S Av: S N2 D2 P M2 R2 S

taaLam: roopakam Composer: Tyaagaraaja Language:


anurAgamu lEni manasuna sujnAnamu rAdu


ghanulaina antar jnyAnulaku* eruka gAni


vaga vagagA bhujiyincE vAriki truptiyow reeti

saguNa dhyAnamu paini sowkhyamu tyAgarAjanuta

Meaning: pallavi

anurAgamu - affection lEni - not having Manasuna - in the heart sujnAnamu - good (devine) knowledge rAdu - will not occur


Ghanulaina - scholarly people Antarjnanulaku - inner knowledge eruke gAni - known


Vaga vagagA - variety of foods bhujinchE - eating Variki - the people Trupti yow - causing satisfaction reeti - in the same manner SaguNa - lord with all virtues (guNAs) Dhyanamu paini- medidate upon Sowkhyamu - peace/satisfaction tyAgarAjanuta - praised by tyAgarAja


People who lack love and affection are not blessed with divine knowledge and it is well known to the scholarly people with inner knowledge/senses. People who meditate upon the lord who is virtuous and is praised by tyAgarAja (rAmA) are blessed with mental peace and happiness just as the people who get full satisfaction from eating a variety of foods.

Alternate meaning:

Divine wisdom will not blossom in the minds of those devoid of devotion. Enlightened souls are well aware of this.

Just as satisfaction got by eating a delicious meal in a relaxed manner only those who meditate on the splendour and attributes to the Supreme with a form can derive genuine experiences of bliss.

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