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Carnatic Violin : Playing posture

Carnatic Violin : Playing posture

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Introduction to Proper Violin Posture You may feel that learning the violin is all about playing the right notes at the right time. It is – to an extent. But in order to learn the various techniques and play for longer periods of time, there are other skills that every student needs to master too, and that includes proper violin posture. Because it affects all areas of violin playing, such as tone, intonation, bow hold and stroke, as well as shifting, all violin technique is built around proper violin posture. If you ignore or forget to work on this aspect, your ability to progress will be hindered. You can find tons of online videos reviewing correct violin posture. However, watching a video is one thing; actually doing it is another. The most efficient way to learn the proper stance is by taking lessons with a qualified instructor. They can ensure that you start out correctly, and can identify issues early on. Although the term “posture” immediately conjures up thoughts of simply standing up straight, there are actually several facets that are involved. Here are the basics of violin posture: Holding Your Violin First, the height of your collarbone to chin should be the same height as the combined height of your shoulder rest, violin, and chin rest. Your violin should remain horizontal without using your left hand for support. Next, you should be able to pull your bow straight from the frog to the tip. If you can’t, the position of the chin rest should be changed accordingly. Ask your instructor for help in this regard. Holding Your Bow Although there are many ways that violinists can hold their bow for optimal playing and comfort, you can only get there by starting out with proper technique. First, you need to hold the bow properly. The tip of your thumb needs to support the bow between the frog and the winding. Next, your middle finger should rest opposite your thumb with the joint just touching your bow, but without any pressure. Also, your index finger, specifically its second phalanx or section, needs only to touch the bow. The joint between the second and third phalanx of your ring finger should also gently touch your bow. Finally, your pinky simply rests on top of your bow. And you need to do all this while keeping your hand relaxed! It is a lot to take in at first, but with practice, it will become more automatic. Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Carnatic Violin : How to buy a violin

Carnatic Violin : How to buy a violin

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Choosing the Right Violin: Brands, Beginners, and Budgets Once you understand some of the fundamentals of violin construction, it’s time begin honing in on an instrument that’s right for your needs and budget. As you do, you may come up with some new questions as you encounter various brand names, categories, and a great range of prices. Choosing the Right Violin: Brands, Beginners, and Budgets Once you understand some of the fundamentals of violin construction, it’s time begin honing in on an instrument that’s right for your needs and budget. As you do, you may come up with some new questions as you encounter various brand names, categories, and a great range of prices. Intermediate Violins Filling the gap between student and professional instruments are violins classified as intermediate. Some stores and brands omit this category, only drawing a distinction between student and professional violins. It is a helpful category, however, for musicians who know they need something better than a beginner instrument, but aren’t ready to invest thousands of dollars in a professional violin. Students who are advancing in their skills are typical intermediate violin buyers. Professional Violins Professional or master violins, on the other hand, will be constructed from cold-grown and slow-dried wood, hand built and assembled by a master luthier, and finished with high-quality components such as an ebony fingerboard and wooden tailpiece. The excellent materials and refined artistic skill that go into these instruments drive up their value, and make them appropriate instruments for professional and aspiring, advanced musicians. Violin Care and Maintenance The best violin is the one that is best maintained. You’ll want to make sure your violin and any accessories are properly stored in a case when not being used, that they are kept in mild temperatures and moderate humidity, and that they are kept clean. If you are looking for a first violin, here are a few accessories to consider in order to properly preserve your instrument: Case: Don’t assume the violin you choose comes with a case. If you order an “outfit,” you will get a bow, rosin, and a case, but if you’re just buying a violin, you need to buy a separate case as well. Humidifier: An acoustic violin should be kept at 45-50% relative humidity to avoid damage to the tonewoods. If you live in a dry area, you will especially want to look into an instrument humidifier. Cleaning Supplies: A violin needs to be kept free of dirt and dust. You can browse Musician’s Friend’s complete selection of care and cleaning supplies for violins here. Strings: Depending on how much you play, we recommend changing your strings every six to 12 months. Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Carnatic Violin : How to tune a violin

Carnatic Violin : How to tune a violin

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. The violin is tuned in perfect fifths - each string is tuned an interval of a perfect fifth from the string (or strings) next to it. The strings of the violin are tightened or loosened to produce the right note by the pegs and the fine tuners. Some violins only have fine tuners on the E string, whereas others have fine tuners on all 4 strings. If you buy a violin with only one fine tuner, you do have the option of getting the other three fine tuners installed into the tailpiece by a luthier. As their name suggests, the fine tuners are used for tuning the string if the string is off-pitch by a small interval of no more than half a tone or so. When the string is out of tune by half a tone or more, then the pegs are used to tune the note initially, with the fine tuner being used afterwards to make sure the note is exactly in tune. Beginners are usually advised not to tune with the pegs unless absolutely necessary, in order to avoid unnecessary string breakages. If you are beginning to tune from the peg, it is a good idea to tune with a scientific tuner to make sure you are not over-tightening the string, however with most low-end scientific tuners you will still have to be wary of tuning an octave too high or too low. Only move the peg about a few millimeters at a time - you will be surprised at how significantly such a small turn can affect the pitch of the string! Tuning the Violin When tuning any instrument, you should always tune from below the note, up. This prevents string breakages and systematizes the process of tuning, so you eventually become more familiar with the sound of a perfect, in-tune string. When tuning your violin, you should also always tune using the fine tuners when possible (if you have them - most learner violins should have fine tuners). When a fine tuner has been wound right down to the end of the screw, loosen the fine tuner all the way to the end of the screw before carefully tightening the tuning peg. This way, you prevent the string from being over-tightened. When you are tuning your violin, play the note continuously with your bow and listen carefully to the string as it tightens towards the desired pitch. Remember, you may need to stop to tune halfway through a practice, especially if you are using new strings as they tend to stretch and may need tightening from the peg multiple times per practice session for the first few days. It is advisable to start by tuning the A string first, followed by the D, G then E strings. When you start to become more familiar with the sound of the notes of the different strings, you can try tuning the strings against each other - this is known as relative tuning (see 'Relative Tuning' section). Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Geetham : Lambodara - Ragam : Malahari

Geetham : Lambodara - Ragam : Malahari

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Lambodara Geetham Ragam : Malahari Thalam : Rupakam Thalam Carnatic Violin lessons by Sumukh Chandra. Sahityam and Notes: S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Am - | ba - su tha || a ma | ra vi nu tha || S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || sree - | ga na na tha || sin dhu | ra - var na || R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Ka ru | na sa ga ra || ka ri | va dha na - || S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || sid dha | cha - ra na || ga na | se - vi tha || R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Sid dhi | vi na ya ka || the - | na mo na mo || S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || Sa ka | la vi dya - || - dhi | pu - ji tha || R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || sa - | rvo - tha ma || the - | na mo na mo || S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Am - | ba - su tha || a ma | ra vi nu tha || S , | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - || Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Carnatic Violin : Vara Veena - Geetham - Mohanam -

Carnatic Violin : Vara Veena - Geetham - Mohanam -

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Ragam: Mohanam (28th melakartha janyam) Talam: Rupakam Chaturasra Jathi Arohanam : S R2 G3 P D2 S Avarohanam: S D2 P G3 R2 S Sahityam : Varaveena Mrudu Paani Vanaruha Lochana Raani Suruchira Bambhara Veni Suranuta Kalyaani Nirupama Shubha Guna Lola Niratishaya Prada Sheela Varadaapriya Ranganaayaki Vaanchita Phala Daayaki Saraseejasana Janani Jaya Jaya Jaya Sahityam and Notes: G G | P , P , || Va ra | vee - na - || D P | Ṡ , Ṡ , || mrudu | pa - ni - || Ṙ Ṡ | D D P , || va na | ru ha lo - | D P | G G R , || chana | ra - ni - || G P | D Ṡ D P || su ru | chirapam - || D P | G G R , || ba ra | ve - ni - || G G | D P G , || su ra | nuthakal - || P G | G R S , || ya - | - - ni - || G G | G G R G || ni ru | pa ma shubha || P G | P , P , || gu na | lo - la - || G G | D P D , || ni ra | thaja ya - || D P | Ṡ , Ṡ || prada | see - la - || D G | Ṙ Ṙ Ṡ Ṡ || va ra | da - priya || D Ṡ | D , D P || ran ga | na - ya ki || G P | D Ṡ D P || va - | nchitha phala || D P | G G R S || da - | - - ya ki || S R | G , G , || sa ra | si - ja - || G R | P G R , || sa na | ja na ni - || S R | S G R S || ja ya | ja ya ja ya || Carnatic Violin lessons by Sumukh Chandra. Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Varnam : Evvari Bodhana - Raag :  Abhogi Raag (learning mode)

Varnam : Evvari Bodhana - Raag : Abhogi Raag (learning mode)

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Abhogi is a raga in Carnatic music and has been adapted to Hindustani music. It is a pentatonic scale, an audava or owdava raga. It is a derived scale (janya raga), as it does not have all the seven swaras . Ābhōgi has been borrowed from Carnatic music into Hindustani music and is also quite popular in the latter. Varnam : Evvari bodhana Raag : Abhogi Thala : Aadhi 22nd maela kartha kharaharapriya Composer : Sri Patnam Subramania Iyer . Abhogi is a Audava Raaga . Arohanam : S R G M D Ṡ Avarohanam : Ṡ D M G R S S (Shadja ) , R2 ( Cha . ri ) , G2 ( Saa . ga ) , M1 ( Shu . ma ) , D2 ( Chu . dha ) , Ṡ Pallavi R , G , G R S , S R S S d m d , | Ev-va - ri - - - bo- - - dha- - -| m d S d , S d S | R G , M G G R S || na- - - - - - - | vi- - - ni- - - || R G M G , M R G S R , d S R G M | Ee- - - - -la - - - - - gu- - - | D M D Ṡ , Ṡ D Ṡ | D M , D M G R S || je- - - - - se- | - - - vu - ra- - || Anupallavi D Ṡ D D , M D D M G , R G M R G | ja- -va - mu- - -ga - - nan- - - | S R G M , M D M | G R G M D D Ṡ , || ne- - la - - ra- | - - se - - - sha -|| D Ṡ Ṙ Ṡ , Ṙ Ġ Ṁ Ṙ Ġ , Ṁ Ġ Ġ Ṙ Ṡ | cha--le - -ndra- - - -sree - - - - | Ṙ Ġ Ṙ Ṡ Ṙ D Ṙ Ṡ | Ṡ D M D M G R S || ven-- - - ka- - | te--swa - ra- - || Chitteswaram / Mukthayi swaram R G M R , G S R G S , R S d m d | S d S R , R G S | R M , D M G R S || R G M G , M D M D Ṡ , Ṙ Ġ Ṡ Ṙ Ġ | M Ġ Ṙ Ġ , Ṙ Ṡ D | Ṙ Ṡ , D M G R S || ( Evva ) Charanam M , D M D , , , D Ṡ D M D D Ṡ , | Ma-ru - ba- - - - - - - - - ri- | D Ṡ D D M , D M | G R S R G S R G || ko- - - rva-ja - | la- nu- - ra- - || Eathukada swaras ( 1 ) M , , , , , D , M , D , , , Ṡ , | D , M , , , G , | R , S , , R , G || ( Ma ) ( 2 ) M D Ṡ D , M D M G R , G M G R S | d S , R G M D Ṡ | , D M G R S R G || ( Ma ) ( 3 ) D Ṡ D M G R G M D M G R G S R S | R G M D Ṡ Ṙ Ġ Ṙ | Ṡ D M G R S R G || ( Ma ) ( 4 ) Ṡ , , Ṡ , Ṡ Ṙ Ġ Ṡ Ṙ , Ṙ Ṡ D M D | Ṡ , , Ṡ D Ṙ Ṡ D | , Ṡ D M , G R S || R G M D , Ṡ Ṙ Ġ M Ṙ , Ġ Ṙ Ṡ D Ṡ | Ṙ Ṡ , D M D Ṡ D | , M G R S , R G || ( Ma ) For more videos and private classes online visit Carnatic Violin lessons by Sumukh Chandra. Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -
Varnam : Evari Bodana - Ragam : Abhogi - Violin (Sing along)

Varnam : Evari Bodana - Ragam : Abhogi - Violin (Sing along)

WhatsApp - +91-8072415626 for online classes. Abhogi is a raga in Carnatic music and has been adapted to Hindustani music. It is a pentatonic scale, an audava or owdava raga. It is a derived scale (janya raga), as it does not have all the seven swaras . Ābhōgi has been borrowed from Carnatic music into Hindustani music and is also quite popular in the latter. Varnam : Evvari bodhana Raag : Abhogi Thala : Aadhi 22nd maela kartha kharaharapriya Composer : Sri Patnam Subramania Iyer . Abhogi is a Audava Raaga . Arohanam : S R G M D Ṡ Avarohanam : Ṡ D M G R S S (Shadja ) , R2 ( Cha . ri ) , G2 ( Saa . ga ) , M1 ( Shu . ma ) , D2 ( Chu . dha ) , Ṡ Pallavi R , G , G R S , S R S S d m d , | Ev-va - ri - - - bo- - - dha- - -| m d S d , S d S | R G , M G G R S || na- - - - - - - | vi- - - ni- - - || R G M G , M R G S R , d S R G M | Ee- - - - -la - - - - - gu- - - | D M D Ṡ , Ṡ D Ṡ | D M , D M G R S || je- - - - - se- | - - - vu - ra- - || Anupallavi D Ṡ D D , M D D M G , R G M R G | ja- -va - mu- - -ga - - nan- - - | S R G M , M D M | G R G M D D Ṡ , || ne- - la - - ra- | - - se - - - sha -|| D Ṡ Ṙ Ṡ , Ṙ Ġ Ṁ Ṙ Ġ , Ṁ Ġ Ġ Ṙ Ṡ | cha--le - -ndra- - - -sree - - - - | Ṙ Ġ Ṙ Ṡ Ṙ D Ṙ Ṡ | Ṡ D M D M G R S || ven-- - - ka- - | te--swa - ra- - || Chitteswaram / Mukthayi swaram R G M R , G S R G S , R S d m d | S d S R , R G S | R M , D M G R S || R G M G , M D M D Ṡ , Ṙ Ġ Ṡ Ṙ Ġ | M Ġ Ṙ Ġ , Ṙ Ṡ D | Ṙ Ṡ , D M G R S || ( Evva ) Charanam M , D M D , , , D Ṡ D M D D Ṡ , | Ma-ru - ba- - - - - - - - - ri- | D Ṡ D D M , D M | G R S R G S R G || ko- - - rva-ja - | la- nu- - ra- - || Eathukada swaras ( 1 ) M , , , , , D , M , D , , , Ṡ , | D , M , , , G , | R , S , , R , G || ( Ma ) ( 2 ) M D Ṡ D , M D M G R , G M G R S | d S , R G M D Ṡ | , D M G R S R G || ( Ma ) ( 3 ) D Ṡ D M G R G M D M G R G S R S | R G M D Ṡ Ṙ Ġ Ṙ | Ṡ D M G R S R G || ( Ma ) ( 4 ) Ṡ , , Ṡ , Ṡ Ṙ Ġ Ṡ Ṙ , Ṙ Ṡ D M D | Ṡ , , Ṡ D Ṙ Ṡ D | , Ṡ D M , G R S || R G M D , Ṡ Ṙ Ġ M Ṙ , Ġ Ṙ Ṡ D Ṡ | Ṙ Ṡ , D M D Ṡ D | , M G R S , R G || ( Ma ) Violin : Vidwan S P Ganesh Kumar Mridangam : Vidwan Sai Vamshi For more videos and private classes online visit Music learners, to post your questions or to participate in discussions visit the OctavesOnline forum - For music-related assessment and certification visit -

Leaving on a melodic excursion enhances the spirit and hones the brain, mainly when it includes learning an instrument as resonant and testing as the violin. Octaves Online presents an exceptional opportunity for aspiring musicians with our meticulously designed violin classes for beginners. Our courses are tailored to nurture your passion for music, guiding you through the intricate world of violin playing with ease and expertise.

Diving into the heart of our curriculum, students are introduced to the fundamentals of violin playing. Our classes emphasize correct posture, bowing techniques, and finger placement, ensuring a solid foundation. As you progress, the complexity of lessons increases, seamlessly integrating theory with practice. What sets us apart is our commitment to personalized learning. Each session is crafted to match the individual's pace and skill level, making the learning experience both enjoyable and effective.


  1. Simplifying the intricate art of mastering challenging instruments with fun, engaging methods.

  2. Revolutionize your playing with exercises designed for advanced fingering and bowing techniques.

  3. Elevate your musical prowess through comprehensive ear training, enhancing your auditory skills.

  4. Join a community of musicians, finding peers for collaborative and inspiring performances.

The highlight of our offerings is our carnatic violin classes online and these classes are a profound plunge into the wealthy custom of Carnatic music, offering an exciting mix of social legacy and melodic greatness. Our accomplished teachers, gifted in both traditional and Carnatic styles, bring an abundance of information and energy to every illustration. They show the procedures as well as impart an appreciation for the fine art's set of experiences and subtleties.

As you journey through our courses, you'll find more than just violin lessons. You'll discover a supportive community of fellow music enthusiasts and mentors. Our platform encourages interaction and collaboration, creating an immersive and engaging learning environment.


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