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seetaa kalyaaNa vaibhOgamE - Lyrics

seetha kalyaaNa vaibOgamE

29 dheera shankaraabharaNam mela Aa: S R2 G3 M1 P D2 N3 S Av: S N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

taaLam: jhampa Composer: Tyaagaraaja Language: Sanskrit


sItA kalyANa vaibhOgamE rAma kalyANa vaibhOgamE


pavanaja stuti pAtra pAvana caritra ravi sOma pavanEtra ramaNIya gAtra

caraNam 1

bhakta jana paripAla bharita sharajAla bhukti muktida lIla bhUdEva pAla

caraNam 2

pAmarA surabhIma paripUrNa kAma shyAma jagadabhi rAma sAkEta dhAma

caraNam 3

sarva lOkAdhAra samaraika dhIra garva manasa dUra kanakAgha dhIra

caraNam 4

nigamAgama vihAra nirupama sharIra nagadha vidhAra nata lOkAdhAra

caraNam 5

paramEshanuta gIta bhava jalAdhipOta tarani kula samjAta tyAgarAjanuta

Meaning: from "Compositions of Tyagaraja" by TK Govinda Rao How grand and imposing the wedding of SIta is! Praised by AnjanEya, this Hero of countless exploits, having the sun and the moon as His eyes, and possessing a frame of ravishing beauty is an unfailing Protector of His devotees and Bestower of prosperity and Beatitude, which is a part of His LIlas. He causes terror in the minds of RAkshasas. His calmness and composure reveal Him as one who has no more desires to be fulfilled. Sporting a radiant blue hue, He is the source of Bliss for the world. Resider of AyOdhya, He is the Prop of the entire world. A peerless warrior in battles, He is beyond the ken of men of arrogance and haughtiness. He is tall and courageous, reminding one of the great Mount MEru. He is the Hero figuring in the Scriptures. With an unmatched form, He is the mainstay of His devotees, whose sins He wipes out graciously. Celebrated by Lord Siva in song and music, He is the raft enabling deserving mortals to cross the ocean of SamsAra. That is the aim of His incarnation in the solar race, He whom TyAgarAja worships.

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